Friday, August 28, 2009

Shira sat up all by herself!!!

Last night Shira sat upall by herself for the first time!! As soon as she saw her daddy, she sat herself up so he would pick her up!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Medek- Last Day

We recently heard about this new method of PT- called Medek. We live in Maryland, and we came up to New Jersey for two weeks of intensive therapy. Our therapist is Azriel Novogroder- and we were so happy with him and the progress he made with Shira. He was both gentle and loving, while at the same time pushing her to, and beyond, her limits! We also loved that he was just as happy with her progress as we were- if not more! We would definitely recommend him to anyone. Here is his contact info:

Novogrow, LLC
Azriel Novogroder, PT Owner

1033 River Road Suite 3
New Milford, NJ 07646
phone: (201)836-6250

For the first week and 1/2 he worked with Shira, and the last few days he spent a lot of time showing us what exercises to do with her- which was great! And the last day he went through each exercise to give us a home-exercise program.
(**Please be sure not to do these exercises without first consulting a certified Medek Therapist**)

Check out our videos: (we're still in the process of uploading, so they're not all up yet...)

Shira and Azriel :)

1. Coming to Sit

2. Kneeling

2a. Kneeling- progression

3. All Four's

4. Kneeling to Standing

5. 180 to Stand

6. Body Fold to Stand

7. Back to Standing

8. Knee- Squat- Stand

9. Knee-Squat-Stand ( One hand on thigh)

10. Walking holding shoulders

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009