Friday, August 28, 2009

Shira sat up all by herself!!!

Last night Shira sat upall by herself for the first time!! As soon as she saw her daddy, she sat herself up so he would pick her up!


  1. WOW!!
    I am so happy for all of you. Isn't it always in the wee hours of the morning that something spectacular happens!!
    Well, thats one exercise you no longer need to do with her, as she will now do it herself!!
    Have a great Shabbos.

  2. This is so wonderful! Go, Shira, go!

    I found your post and blog through the CHARGE listserv. My two year old daughter Vivian has CHARGE syndrome, too.

    I remember the first time Viv sat up by herself I was so excited I couldn't sleep! It is so exciting to see Shira conquer this milestone so gracefully - I know how hard she (and you) have worked to get here... I celebrate with you!

